Friday, May 16, 2014


We all know the phrase "Man's best friend" -- which refers to a dog.

Well this story will change the meaning of that phrase! The footage is from the security cameras around a house in California.

Imagine the poor boy and how traumatic it would have been for him!

Here is an excerpt from The Irish Times:

“Thankfully, it wasn’t worse,” his father, Roger Triantafilo, wrote in posting the video. “My son is fine.”
It is understood the boy received a number of stitches.
Bakersfield police said the attacking dog, identified as an 8-month-old Labrador-Chow mix, had been surrendered by its owner’s family after the attack and was in quarantine and would be put down.
Police spokesman Sergeant Joseph Grubbs said the dog’s owners, who live in the same neighbourhood as the boy, said the dog did not like children or bicycles.
He did not identify the owner by name.

The full story can be found at 

Hands down, the Award for Cat of the Year goes to the cat in this video!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Unconscious cat

I was walking in an open car park one and I passed this white cat that was lying on a black car.

The cat was extremely exhausted that even though there was so much noise it hardly stirred! I was getting rather worried in case the cat had had a heart attack and was lying on its side. It is not normal that cats sleep on their sides. Fortunately I saw the cat was still breathing.

Here are the photos. Does your cat sleep on its side?

Monday, May 5, 2014

Kitty Kat is Curious Pt2

This is a continuation to Kitty Kat is Curious Pt1

After I sent the cat out of my house, I proceeded with the remaining of my night.

It was the F1 weekend so the next day I had locked up the whole house and left to spend my weekend in the city. That night during dinner I received a call from my neighbor telling me that her cat was in my house!

I told her that I had taken the cat out of my house and she replied saying that she has two cats and the second one is trapped in my house. She then asked me if he could have the keys to my house. I told her I will not be back for the entire weekend. My house is in a different state from the city.

I actually started to panic about my fish! The hungry cat might start eating my fish in the fish tank.

My neighbor then asked me if I could pass my house keys to her sister who lives somewhere on the border of the two states. After walloping down my dinner I had to pass my keys over to my neighbor's sister at 11.30pm. The next morning my neighbor drove to her sister's to pick up my house keys.

The cat was retrieved safely and thank goodness when I returned all my fish were intact.

I have summarized it quite nicely however in that night I was experiencing the some really bad stomach panic.

Here is the second video that I have created of this story.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Street Cat

We all love the pure breeds, they look pretty and are bred for the purpose of looking magnificent. Just like Hiruchi. I know I can also be a sucker for pure breeds too.

But once in awhile I see a cat on the street that has so much character, that I fall right in love with it.

Last weekend I was walking around town and I found this amazing cat that was so friendly! It wasn't asking for food or anything of the sort. It was just being very friendly and it even allowed my amazing photographer (you can get more of his photos here) to take some stunning photos of this cat.

If you happen to get some photos of random cats on the street please share them with me!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Kitty Kat Galore is Curious Pt1

A few weeks ago I was left alone at home. Of course I was busy at "work" on my computer. The front door was left open because I like the cool night's breeze. The whole house was silent as I like my peace and quiet.

Suddenly I saw this movement from the corner of my eye! A cat had come into my room! it had climbed the stairs and come right into my room. Not that I am afraid of cats but I had the shock of my life and I screamed. The cat shot away, probably because I had shocked it too.

I went to look for the cat and I recognized it as my neighbour's cat. I told the cat off, although I doubt it made much difference to the cat, and I sent it out of my house.

Don't get me wrong I love cats but my own cat was never this naughty to go into someone else's house and scare the living daylights out of a person. I know my neighbour's cat does this because there have been other complaints from other people in the area as well.

I have complied a short 28 second video for the first part of the story that I have to tell you. Because it does not end there!

I will post up the second part of this story in a later post.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

More than just a purr

I came across this really cool cat fact and I thought I would share it with you, from one cat lover to another.

Cats are not the only animals that purr!

It is found that even hyenas, raccoons and guinea pigs purr.

The funny thing is that cats that purr cannot roar like their larger relatives, and vice versa. Cats that have evolved to roar move around a lot more than the domestic cat therefore have developed their roar to protect their pride and territory. 

Our domestic cats on the other hand move around less, do not have to compete for survival and mark their territory through scent.

A study from the University of Sussex found that a cat's purr peaks in the 220- to 520-hertz frequency range embedded in the lower frequencies of the usual purr similar to that of a babies' cry with a frequency range at 300 to 600 hertz. This frequency, so like a babies', causes us to feel the need to nurture our cat like an offspring.

Elizabeth von Muggenthaler, a bioacoustics researcher, believes that cats not only purr to communicate but also discovered that the animals’ purrs all fit into the range for anabolic bone growth. The cat's purring frequencies between 24-140 vibrations per minute are therapeutic for bone growth, pain relief and wound healing.

Studies from the University of Minnesota Stroke Center show that cats are able to relieve stress and lower blood pressure better than other pets. A 10-year study found that cat owners were 40% less likely to have heart attacks than non-cat owners. Do you think that purring had a role to play in that?

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Cats In the Cradle

Cats in the Cradle is a song by Harry Chapin recorded in 1973. Quite a few people think that this song is by Cat Stevens just because his name is Cat. Well, it's not. The song was written by Harry Chapin's wife, Sandra Gaston, a few years before Harry decided to sing it. According to Sandra Gaston, Harry only recorded it after their son Josh was born.

The song is a really sad song but really hits home when you listen to the lyrics.

I know this song does't have much to do with cats besides the title of the song, but I wanted to share the song with you because I think it is a very beautiful song (and since the title has the word "cat" in it, it can't harm anyone). Personally I find it is good to listen to this song once in awhile to remind you what is important in life.

Enjoy! :)